The structure of Playwork England is that of a consortium...

“a group of two or more individuals that work together to achieve a common objective. Those that participate in a consortium pool resources but are otherwise only responsible for the obligations that are set out in the consortium's agreement”.

The aim of Playwork England is to facilitate the coordination of, support for, and collaboration between those involved in and representative of playwork education,  training and qualifications in England.

Playwork England will develop a strategy which ensures that playwork maintains its distinct status and identity within England’s regulatory qualifications framework.

Playwork England will respond to the broader political and regulatory landscape of childhood and playwork in England.

Playwork England will ensure leadership in setting standards for the wider playwork workforce to ensure that playwork is valued and recognised as a profession across the UK.

Playwork England will be representative of everyone who is or believes themselves to be a playworker, playwork trainer, playwork researcher or playwork advocate in England.

Anybody with an interest in playwork education and training (particularly practicing playworkers) is welcome to join Playwork England.

Our first meeting was held on 29th February 2024 and we held 4 meetings throughout 2024. All meetings are held virtually to facilitate attendance. All  meetings are open members meeting, for any member to attend. 

At the inaugural meeting, the membership nominated an Executive Board who subsequently met to start to develop the strategy for the work of Playwork England. Please add to your contacts to ensure that you receive meeting details, updates and reminders.

All meetings will be recorded and made available to re-watch for members. 

To join Playwork England fill out the form below - it's completely free. 
